Women's Power to Heal Mother Earth!

Episode 162 - Elder Wisdom and The Guru

Maya Tiwari Season 1 Episode 162

A Guru. The simple, pure form of the soul born to selfless search  and service of the "I", The Self that is "Tat Tvam Asi" = "I am that illimitable consciousness".   Across the vast swatch of nature, we are surrounded by the bliss of the Guru each and every moment.  Each and every part of nature is a Guru, Mother Earth is a humungous Guru, each tree a teacher, each drop of water a devotee saint, every breath of air, a refreshing master. Nature's seed sovereignty is a ruling Guru without whose sacrificial participation we starve to death. 

Did you know that every vulgar, vile, violent experience is a “Saturnal “ Guru, learning by the lash of the whip. However, arduous and bitter the lessons are these experiences remain our teaching curves. Our perennial Gurus.  When first I wrote these words, my lessons from the vicious experience of being targeted by well-organized hate- driven bullies were still maneagable. It is twelve years later and myprivacy and human freedom are still at the mercy of unimagineable 
intrusions, and violence against my physical beingness and work. Yet, these words of wisdom rise to serve me, to keep me sentient, to remind me that love is inscribed as a cellular memory in each and everyone of us, including the haters and misinformed. And it is this memory that we must lean on to carry us through to the light.  When in  evolution a human Guru takes birth, their paths are often riddled with sharpness, surrounded by the ignorance of the world, by biases, jealousies of those they serve, marginalization, ridicule and , in many cases, castration by violence and other vile acts against them. 

In the popular world culture we are continually striving to seek the wisdom of the ancients, but we have to be sufficiently reconciled to our self-worth to be prepared to seek Self-knowledge.    We want to learn from the master, the Guru but, for many, because we are so spiritually starved from the loss of self-sovereignty, we continually find ways to undermine the elder, disavow the lessons thrown in our path, oftentimes because we forget that the greatest Guru is the inner Guru. 

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