Women's Power to Heal Mother Earth!

Episode 160 - Ahimsa, the Way to Peace

Season 1 Episode 160

We live in a country where there are more guns than citizens. 433 million registered guns in the USA. The culture of violence has become the norm. 
The false values of corruption, Competion, rivalry, unkindness,  ignornace  and inhumanity are on the rise. The only way we can turn this tide around is through shifting our individual sense of value and esteem to Ahimsa- the timeless value of being a human being.   Choosing to live in Ahimsa means choosing non violence, non-injury, and doing the work to cultivating inner harmony. Exposing or revealing dark thoughts, dark words, violent actions we give ourselves permission to open to healing our inner angst when we use these dark moments to shift our thinking, belief system away from the Otherness the binary, the duality is us/them that creates so much pain. For thirty five years Maya Tiwari has been teaching the inviolate  work of awareness through the way of Ahimsa.   Maya  has personally helped thousands to heal, and continue with her own courageous journey as she muses about "ahimsa" from a very personal point of view. Through the Peace Mandala World Tours she has guided more than one million people in the Vow of  Ahimsa. We invite you to listen, learn, share and, most of all, join us in the way of Ahimsa.

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May Peace Be Your Journey~
