Women's Power to Heal Mother Earth!

Episode 155 - The Way is Gratitude

Maya Tiwari Season 1 Episode 155

Today, I received the shocking news about an old friend.  She is an elderly mother who was evicted from her home by her one and only son and daughter-in-law.  At  every turn of life, we can come face to face with bitter  lessons, and the hearless actions of those who facilitate them.  During these times, it seems equally heartless to console the aggrevieved with words like, " remember the good days you shared, remember to keep your heart consoled by being grateful for the multitude of good things in your life, and not focus exclusiviley on the bitterness of the day." 
This too may seem like cruel advice given the tired moment while despairing. 

But....the way to healing all suffering  is through remembering gratitude. It is easy to be grateful for the kindness shown to us, for gifts of friends and joyful occasions.  But in the most important juncture of our lives, when the darkness of despair can shroud  hearts and souls, or during the lonely hours of despair, disillusionment, and/or disease when hope wanes, and support appears to be non-existent, and kindness cannot be felt, all is not lost: We have the way of gratitude to turn to, a conduit that for millions of years have been the proven way to recapture inner space, to stretch open the amity of our innate awareness, to lighten the burdens of the heart and to simply connect back to a universe that can never forsake us........a beautiful exposition by the one and only, Maya Tiwari, on the power of gratitude during the darkest of days. 

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