Women's Power to Heal Mother Earth!

Episode 154- Happiness: Plain and Simple- rerun

Maya Tiwari Season 1 Episode 154

A worthy rerun of this awesome episode: 
Although we may strive for hapiness in our lives, it often appears illusive.... but happiness is not a chase or a hunt, it is a primoridial longing in tge very cell and memory of our vital tissues. It is to be seized from moment to moment. Becuae it is generally wrapped in the mundane , in routines, in events we take for granted. Listen to the melody of the winds brushing against space, or the drops of water filtering into a pond, or the beauty of a grazing herd of deer, or meeting and reveling in the company of old friendships. Mother Nature provides us endless excursions of happiness if we listen to and feel her song, and most importantly, cherish it. 

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