Women's Power to Heal Mother Earth!
Maya Tiwari ~ brings alive the Goddess Force of healing to Self and Earth. Her high vibrational wisdom speaks to the soul-enriching journey of the feminine experience. She instills beauty and power to women's voices to nurture life, hearth and earth while strengthening awareness and spiritual immunity. These episodes are rooted in Holistic Medicine and India's ancient ways of healing, Ayurveda.
Keep a lookout for Maya's newest book, I Am Shakti, and empowering tome for women, soon to be published in 2024.
Women's Power to Heal Mother Earth!
Episode 151 ~ Healing W/Sound Medicine
We are formed from the universal cosmic sound. The Vedic seers refer to this Sound as "OM". This sounds incorporates all sounds. There are trillions of sounds which are endemic to our cosmos that heals. Every cell, memory and tissue is formed from the cosmic sound. Sound Medicine is our natural inner medicine, free and abundantly available in nature. Indeed, sound is central to the very act of creation. Vedic lore tells us that Goddess Durga rode her lion, carried her damaru (a small, double-headed drum whose sound is associated with the element of space), and drummed the world into existence. Sound, as healing force, is a cornerstone of all the great spirit traditions. Consider the idea that life itself emanates from sound, for what is sound but audible breath, the rhythm and melody of the One spirit that dwells within all things? Sound vibration is a manifestation of life energy, and that life energy, or prana, is the basis for self-healing.
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May Peace Be Your Journey~