Women's Power to Heal Mother Earth!

Episode 148~ Sound Medicine

Maya Tiwari Season 1 Episode 148

At every moment we can be rejuvenated by nature's sunds, music, the whistling of the wind, the plopping sound of the rains, the gushing waters, the hushed leaves of the autumn.  In my years as a Vedic monk, chanting the Sanskrit mantras on a daily basis kept my vibratory field high and illumined. During those years, I lived in a large pristine forest, chanted with cows, meditated with deer  and basked in the gift of Nature's inner medicine sound healing. Years later, I was to face the profound  experience of being targeted with violence and abuse that relentlessly escorted my life for more than a decade. In this episode I speak to my own expereinces of  fears, its impact of devastating gravitational pull to the lower vortex of darkness and loss and the phenomenal healing journey of  high vibrational sound that reawakened me to life.  May we always remember our blessings even through the dark gravitational pull of fear.  Listen In~

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