Women's Power to Heal Mother Earth!

Season 2: Episode 1- Maya's soul-rich Interview W/ Michele Blood

Maya Tiwari Season 2 Episode 1

When pioneers of healing via cosmic sound, songs, and feminine wholeness get together, MAGIC happens. In this session, Maya speaks with Michele Blood, in a soul-warming conversation where Michele brings her high vibrational  voice in song: "I Am Love."
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About Michele Blood: Michele is a transformational healer, having survived a near-fatal accident.  A renowned rock singer in her early life, Michele brings her musical largesse to her Affirmation songs/music to help other heal.  Her Mystical Experience webinars and live streams have assisted people globally to transform their lives and  awaken their true purpose.  She has shared the stage with Bob Proctor, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Jack Canfield, amongst many transformational leaders.  Her latest album is Create Miracles: Positive Affirmation Songs To Harmonize your Mind.

More~ http://micheleblood.com

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